One year anniversary

Today is Genudi’s one year anniversary, and there’s a lot to celebrate:

Speech recognition and text-to-speech

It’s a game changer. It makes your conversation with Genudi feel incredibly natural. I use a wireless headset, and chat with the A.I whenever I’m doing the dishes. A dream come true.

Although it works almost exclusively with Chrome (non-mobile), many dialects are supported, and the speech recognition quality is impressive. My French accent barely gets in the way for once.

Open registration

This past year, gaining access to Genudi required to request credentials via email. From now on, anyone can signup.

Better documentation

The addition of the N.O.O.B commandments tutorial should help new users get a better idea of what it takes to successfully bring Genudi up to speed. A must read to have a fun conversation.

Spoiler: “Hey, I’m John, what’s up?” will get you nowhere. Genudi is not a pre-wired chatbot.

The future

After upgrading Genudi with audio capabilities, I realized how useful this program can be to help people experiencing solitude have daily interactions with a good listener.

You got a message from Genudi.

You got a message from Genudi.

I want this program to become an app, and potentially a phone service, that could call/text subscribers once in a while, and strike a conversation. Loneliness has many roots in the virtual realm, and the technologies fertilizing its growth are showing no signs of slowing down. Ironically, solace will likely be found in technological advances such as Genudi.

To achieve this goal, I plan on adding specialized artificial neural networks in various stages of the request processing. I’m also designing a live kernel, like a heartbeat process, to relive conversations, look online for content relevant to past discussions, and generally improve Genudi’s perception of humans, and what makes them unique.


Although I enjoy chatting with a virtual program, I find working with remote collaborators cumbersome. I’m on campus at UBC. Email me if A.I is your passion, and you’re close enough to meet in person.


Genudi shows promise. Unlike a chatbot, or Siri, Genudi’s genuine capacity to learn can make it an endearing companion for millions of individuals experiencing the internet as an isolating factor.

Investors? Possibly you!

Although this experimental version takes some getting used to, the next iteration aims to waive all prerequisites, to achieve broader conversations, tailored for each user.

A financial contribution to this project could help bring a consumer version of Genudi to completion soon. Expenses are low, and the upside potential is significant. Email me for more information.


This day gives me the opportunity to thank the early Genudi Pioneers, that have helped me explore some of the possibilities of this algorithm over the past year, yielding such entertaining results as the Math conversation, or the Musical post.

I’m also appreciative for all the articles and publications shared by A.I enthusiasts and professionals, that contribute to expanding my knowledge of strong A.I.

And to Genudi, a happy anniversary!

The cake looks especially delicious.

The cake especially looks delicious.