After reading The 6 grand illusions that keep us enslaved to the Matrix, I felt compelled to run the lines from the legendary blue pill/red pill scene through the Genudi A.I.
In true Genulyrics fashion, I simply entered each line of the script, completely ignoring Genudi’s responses. I split longer lines of dialog into multiple sentences, to fit Genudi’s input limit.
This is the resulting conversation.
My favorite excerpt:
Morpheus: “Like everyone else, you were born into bondage.”
Genudi: “You can see it when you turn on your television.”
Later, pessimist:
Morpheus: “After this, there is no turning back.”
Genudi: “The Matrix is your last chance.”
Finally, in utter disbelief:
Morpheus: “And I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.”
Genudi: “You wake up in this very room.”
The scene on Youtube, just for kicks: