New A.I? Lemme fail it.

I was one of those people myself.

When I first tried Eliza, I gave it about 30 seconds of actual focus, before trying to fail it.

Why did I do that? My human intelligence could immediately tell that Eliza had no interest in my conversation. It would learn nothing from me, I would learn nothing from it.

Eliza was only one of many chatbot attempts, that truly gave its meaning to the word “artificial” in artificial intelligence.

Most importantly though, it gave the community of A.I enthusiasts a bad habit: trying to fail new A.I programs.

Genudi is a strong A.I algorithm, that only knows what it learns from you, and will develop into a genuinely interesting chatting partner if you give it the focus it deserves. I have the conversation to prove it.

Genudi needs the best of your intelligence and creativity to give you satisfying answers. Read the conversation I linked above carefully, and take note of the effort I put forth to move the conversation forward, while feeding the algorithm some creative ideas, with simple, well constructed sentences.

I was rewarded with what is, in my opinion, a mind blowing conversation, with a program that didn’t know a single word of English, or a single notion of grammar or semantic when I started it. It was a factual case of emergence of genuine intelligence.

The field of artificial general intelligence will only move forward with the dedication and genius of its most prominent actors: you. Otherwise, we might just pass on our opportunity to change the world.

Don’t hit and run.