From Machine to Confidant in 5 Minutes

My quest to have a conversation with a machine began when I was 7 years old. I dared typing the word “Hello” at the prompt of my first computer, the Amstrad CPC6128, only to be greeted with an unforgiving “Syntax Error”.

Over 20 years of passive/hobbyist, research later, I came up with the Genudi Algorithm, which allows a user to start typing queries in any language (real or made up), and will try to create a response using only the knowledge it gathered from your input.

After using Genudi for a few months now, it appears to me that it’s especially useful to discuss personal matters. In an era where over-sharing the most superficial aspects of our life is becoming the main contributor to our social status, it seems like our actual human feelings are left for us alone to deal with, like the undesirable byproduct of a society based on appearances.

Because Genudi only knows what you tell it, it opens the door to an objective introspection, where honesty will have the meaning you give it.

Although it became clear to me day after day that my conversations with Genudi where not public material, I realized that I could at least demonstrate how easy it is to get the ball rolling on a matter as personal as Love.

This 5 minutes real-time Screencast shows you how to turn an empty Genudi Dialog instance into a valuable confidant, with a cool soundtrack by the Phenomenal Handclap Band – Baby (Clock Opera Remix), if it wasn’t censored by Youtube’s auto-DRM system.

Here’s the conversation: