French it up

French it up!

If you can read French, you will be delighted with the following Genudi Dialog:

François, one of the latest Pionner to join the experiment has nailed his first conversation. Simple sentences expressing big ideas. He kept moving the conversation forward, while half-acknowledging Genudi’s output, which is the right kind of balance.

François wrote

être intelligent, c’est être capable de s’adapter.

To which Genudi replied

L’intelligence artificielle est le contraire de s’adapter.

This is hands down my favorite response from this program, considering how little data it had at the time: only 22 input sentences, and as usual, no instructions on how to process any language. Just pure data analysis.

What’s most interesting is that the “Fuck artificial” post I had just published was making this exact point: artificial intelligence is incapable of adaptation.

It has to be a coincidence, since Genudi has no access to external sources of information, such as this blog, and observes no programmed behavior, like agreeing, or disagreeing.

However, it reinforces my belief that Absolute Intelligence is the next great challenge in computer science and philosophy, and apparently, Genudi is on board.